Waiting for Baby Bird

I Prayed Against the Miscarriage, but It Still Happened

{Warning: What you are about to read comes straight from my journal; it is the one in which I write letters to God. This is one I would never have wanted someone to find and read, but yet here I am typing it out for the world to pick apart and judge me for. We… Continue reading I Prayed Against the Miscarriage, but It Still Happened

Resources, Waiting for Baby Bird

Lil’ Nuggets of Advice to Someone Dealing with Infertility from Those Who “Get It”

"What's the best tip you have to offer someone struggling with fertility issues?" Last summer, I was interviewed by Fertility Smarts, and they asked me this question, which seemed to take me longer to answer than the others. I couldn’t help but think back to the beginning when I was first diagnosed with PCOS and… Continue reading Lil’ Nuggets of Advice to Someone Dealing with Infertility from Those Who “Get It”

Josiah Day, Waiting for Baby Bird

Did God Really Say…?

Happy Cabbage Day! (No, really it is) And Happy Josiah Day! GAG! Yep. That's right. Gag. This has been my shamefully awful attitude today, and so I am going to be ugly and honest with you for a second. Is that okay? I am more than two weeks late, so against all hope, I decided… Continue reading Did God Really Say…?

Soul Food

What Your Heart Needs to Hear When You Are Afraid

  "Okay sugars, get settled down and crawl underneath the covers. It's time to go to sleep." Immediately the giggling stopped and her body language changed as she looked up at me and said, "But its dark outside. I don't like the dark."  Hearing the worry and fear in her voice, I pulled the covers… Continue reading What Your Heart Needs to Hear When You Are Afraid