Waiting for Baby Bird, When Someone You Know Is Infertile

When Pregnancy Announcements Hurt: The Surprise Group Announcement

Have you ever been there?  That place, that moment, when you look around the room after a friend or family member has just announced they are expecting and you realize in a dazed stupor that you are the only person not jumping up and down. You are the only one not squealing with excitement. Shouting… Continue reading When Pregnancy Announcements Hurt: The Surprise Group Announcement

The Comic Section, Waiting for Baby Bird, When Someone You Know Is Infertile

25 of the Worst Expressions to Say to Your Infertile Friend (and the responses I would like to give)

Since coming out of the infertility closet several years ago, everyone including the male cashier scanning my ovulation prediction kit has offered me their words of comfort, awe-inspiring stories of hope, as well as their golden nuggets of advice. This is why if I had a dollar for every time I was educated on the… Continue reading 25 of the Worst Expressions to Say to Your Infertile Friend (and the responses I would like to give)