Waiting for Baby Bird, When Someone You Know Is Infertile

What It Looks Like Having Faith for Your Friend Going through Infertility

As the years have passed, the gifts, cards, and text messages cheering me on in my battle with infertility are few and far between. And I get it. As time marches on, I have come to realize people are naturally excited for you in the beginning, as everyone around you has their cheerleader pom-poms out, letting you know they are cheering you on. And obviously, arriving at the end of your journey is also an exciting time filled with lots of celebration and rejoicing over the goodness and faithfulness of God. But then there is the middle. What can you do for the person in the middle?

Waiting for Baby Bird, When Someone You Know Is Infertile

I Said Something Insensitive to My Best Friend

We've all been there. We have had someone say something insensitive to us in conversation, and we get bitter or even angry as we tell them why their comment was rude. Or better yet, give them the silent treatment, making a vow to ourselves that we wouldn't speak to them again. At least not until… Continue reading I Said Something Insensitive to My Best Friend

Waiting for Baby Bird, When Someone You Know Is Infertile

Why I Choose To Sit on Mother’s Day

I took a quick glance down my row to painstakingly become aware that I would be the only woman of childbearing age, not standing. Another quick glance behind me, as well as in front of me, I determined the same. With my head held down and my fingers white-knuckled and intertwined, I braced myself for… Continue reading Why I Choose To Sit on Mother’s Day

When Someone You Know Is Infertile

Encouraging Your Loved One Through Infertility

I used to receive them all of the time when I first announced our struggle to conceive. You know, those random texts that someone was praying for me. Or a card sent to my mailbox with words that spoke Truth into my heart. Or sometimes even a surprise gift of faith that was left on… Continue reading Encouraging Your Loved One Through Infertility

Resources, When Someone You Know Is Infertile

What Should I Say to Someone Struggling with Infertility this Holiday Season?

I understand infertility is awkward. It’s awkward because it’s hard to know what to say or how to respond to your loved one who is in this kind of pain, especially during the holiday season. So to help you out, can I offer four suggestions? The first one is simple, but yet so hard to… Continue reading What Should I Say to Someone Struggling with Infertility this Holiday Season?