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My Two Week Wait

It has been almost two weeks since I posted about seeing  my first smile (ever) on an ovulation prediction test stick and as embarrassing as it was, many of you then became aware of the exact night of when the magical and romantic moment of timed intercourse occurred and Daniel attempted to pollinate my flower. sigh.  Therefore, since everyone is anxiously sitting on pins and needles, waiting for me to hopefully make an announcement in the upcoming days as I end my two-week wait, I thought it would be fun to share with you the early pregnancy signs and symptoms that I have been experiencing during this highly anticipated wait.

So, without further anticipation, are you ready to see my detailed list of all the signs, symptoms, and clues that point to this cycle being the one in which my promised baby bird hopefully flies into this Mama bird’s empty nest?  Drum roll please…

da, da, da, da, da (or however you would spell it)

Sorry to disappoint you Mom, Dad, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, friends, and nosy neighbors, but you have read correctly.  I have nada, nothing, zilch to report.  I am just as bummed as you are because I would like to point out that I haven’t had a “known” two-week wait in over two years due to long, sporadic cycles; therefore, one can only imagine how excited I have been in the last several days to finally have the opportunity to anxiously wait, stress out and over analyze every single back pain, cramp, twinge, food aversion, dizzy spell, trip to the bathroom, upset stomach, and sore breast.  However, I am feeling completely normal and there has been nothing to stress out about or over analyze.

I am not peeing any more or less than before and I have zero food aversions to report.  I still love fried chicken, pizza, bologna sandwiches, and boneless wings, while continuing to always hate green peppers, celery, peas and lobster.  I do have this weird craving for tons and tons of mayonnaise smothered in between two slices of whole wheat bread, with a tiny squirt of mustard and Pringles potato chips smashed inside (meat isn’t required), but I always have this craving, so it doesn’t count.

The smell of Daniel’s poop, the trash can outside, and the breath from my cat do make me gag, but it would for anyone.  The only cramping I am experiencing is right before my morning…well, you know…poo.  And my breasts?  You know the REAL indicator as to if I am pregnant?  Well, they are exactly the same as before, if not smaller.  There isn’t even the slightest bit of tenderness or pain when I test them out by jogging down the sidewalk, running down the stairs, or poking and prodding them while cooking dinner, standing in the shower, or waiting at a red light.

I am also not bloated and if you must know, not constipated.  Perhaps you might be wondering if I am more fatigued.  Nope!  Still waking up at 6am and drifting off to la la land around midnight (or later).  Moodier than normal? Once again, nope!  Before ovulation or after ovulation it doesn’t matter, WWIII will still erupt over my husband’s failure to put his socks in the dirty clothes hamper, dishes in the dishwasher, or shoes by the back door.  I know, I sound like an obsessive compulsive clean freak who likes everything in its place.  No shame because I am and I do.

So there you have it folks. Within my two-week wait I have not been able to see nor feel anything that physically points to or affirms that this cycle is the one.  However, despite the lack of early pregnancy signs, I am still hopeful.  I can’t help but be anything but hopeful because I believe the day before a person’s whole life changes forever, could feel like any ordinary day.

I am sure the day before God fulfilled His promise of a flood to Noah felt like any other day, maybe even filled with lots of sunshine and very few clouds.  I would even bet to say that the day before Zachariah was told by an angel he would finally be a first time father in his old age also probably felt like any other day.  I can’t help but think about the leper, the woman with the issue of blood, the blind man, and the paralytic who were all healed instantly by Jesus.  Wouldn’t you assume the day before their miracle took place it felt like just more of the same as they were experiencing sickness, disease and feelings of hopelessness and defeat?  What about Paul and Silas who one day were shackled by chains in prison with no hope of ever being released, yet the next day were miraculously freed by an earthquake?  How about the testimonies that I have posted here?  Do you think it’s safe to say the day before they learned of their miracle it might have also looked like a typical day?

You see, the day before a person’s life changes forever, could feel just like any ordinary day because God performs miracles and fulfills His promises suddenly and when we least expect it.  That being the case, I am going to walk by faith and not by sight as I hold tightly, with white knuckles to the hope that tomorrow, God will take my ordinary day filled with my impossible circumstances and change it into something extraordinary filled with miracles.  Will you hope and believe with me? 

For those of you who are like me and are experiencing or have experienced one or multiple miscarriages, failed cycles, a failed IUI or IVF, I encourage you to never give up, lose hope, or stop believing.  Let’s make the choice together to always press forward and have faith to believe that what has happened in our past, will not necessarily happen again in our future.

“For nothing is impossible with God.”  ~Luke 1:37

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