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To the Childless Woman at Christmas…

Somewhere tonight there is a woman, sitting next to the twinkling lights of her Christmas tree and staring at the fireplace mantle. Year after year, her heart tells her head, “Here’s another Christmas with no children’s stockings to hang or cookies to bake for Santa.” I can see the tears fall on her sweet face as she makes the vow that this time next year, things will be different; they will be better.  Yet even as she says those words, she knows deep down in her heart it’s not guaranteed. How could it be when she said those same words last year–and the year before–and the year before that? Her hope is fading and her faith is shrinking as she wonders if her prayers are being heard and her tears being caught. Yet even so, she continues to beg and plead to God. She continues to cry out and search for a sign that her situation this time next year, will be different; it will be better.

Somewhere tonight there is another woman who is standing back in the shadows, watching other mommy’s and daddy’s enjoy this magical season with their children. In one moment she sees them stroll up and down the toy aisles searching for the perfect gift and in another she watches the excitement on their little faces as they hold hands while standing in the long line to see Santa. She can’t help but feel unworthy to be called a mother and unloved to deserve such a blessing. Because she too has asked God for a child of her own with no avail. She has been to doctors and specialists; taken the right medicines and vitamins and has said all the perfect prayers, but the results have been the same. The tests have all been negative. So tonight, standing in the shadows, with tears slowly coming down her sweet face, she makes the same vow that this time next year, things will be different; they will be better. But even as she wipes away her tears, she also knows deep down inside her heavy heart they are empty words.  Her hope is also fading and her faith is also shrinking as she wonders if her prayers are being heard and her tears being caught. Yet she still begs and pleads to God. She still cries out and searches for a sign that things will be different this time next year; they will be better.

Somewhere tonight there is a woman–she is a hurting Momma unable to stroll past the baby aisles or look at the “Baby’s First Christmas” onsies without breaking down in tears and her soul caving in. Because for her, this year was supposed to be different. It was going to be better.  Yet tonight, she sits with an aching womb and empty arms. Her soul has been wounded and the words, “There is no heartbeat” repeats over again in her head.  She feels alone. She feels forgotten. She feels abandoned. And so with tears pouring down, she too vows that this time next year, things will be different. Yet she knows deep down inside, they might not be. In fact, as time has proved, it might actually be worse. Her hope is all but faded and her faith is all but gone as she wonders if her prayers are being heard and her tears being caught. Yet still, despite the silence she feels, she continues to beg and plead to God. She still cries out and searches for a sign that things will be different this time next year; they will be better.

And somewhere tonight there is you. And your soul is hurting for reasons that I do not know.  With tears flowing down your sweet face, you also vow that this time next year, things will be different; yet deep down, you also wonder. You want to have the hope to believe, but your heart is aching as your situation seems too impossible to change. Yet despite it all, you still find yourself begging and pleading to God. You still cry out amidst the silence as you search for signs that your prayers are being heard and that this time next year, your circumstances will be different; they will be better.

And friend, I wish I could tell you that everything will be different and it will better, but I can’t. Instead, what I can whisper to you tonight is that every tear you shed, He catches. Every prayer you pray, He hears. And though you question if He will answer, He wants you to know that you are not forgotten. You’re not alone. You are not abandoned. He knows the deepest desires of your heart and He too wants this time next year to look different–to be better than the year before. For you are not just a woman somewhere. You are His precious child. A daughter of the most High King. The One He loves.

Therefore, have hope tonight my friend, because in a moment’s notice, God can speak. In a split second, He can open doors that no man can shut. With one prayer, He can reassure your heart and settle your mind when all around you is uncertain. So hold on sweet friend. Don’t give up. There is hope. Hope that our hearts are known. Hope for a better tomorrow. Hope for things to be different this time next year. Hope that comes only from our heavenly Father above.

So Father, tonight I pray for the woman with the wounded soul who is just going through the motions. I pray for the one reading this who is hurting and wondering if this time next year, things will be different; if they will be better. I ask Father they not go another day, minute or second of this holiday season with the hurt, pain and struggle; but rather with a miraculous dose of joy, happiness, peace and love that only You can give. I pray Father that You reassure her heart of Your Presence and speak more audibly to her than ever before. She needs to hear Your sweet voice now more than ever.  And she needs You to hold her. So please, wrap your arms around her tonight. And Father, I ask that You give her a glimpse of the breakthrough that is just up ahead so that she will have the strength to keep hoping and believing that this time next year, things will be different; they will be better. In Jesus name I pray.  ~Amen

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