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Will I Ever Get the Chance to Have Pregnancy Cravings?

Earlier this week I drove past a local Mexican restaurant and remembered two years ago when my cousin’s wife was pregnant and she craved their food. My mind began to wander if I will also crave their yummy cheese dip, salty chips, and spicy salsa. I then began to drift into “la la land” and daydream about other cravings I might have while pregnant. Will I want to dip asparagus in my ice cream or chug a can of tomato juice like my mom? Maybe I will want to swirl pickles in my sugary cereal or spread ketchup on my toast? Will I beg my husband to get me cheeseburgers at 3am or chase down a rabbit to eat their carrot? As I began to daydream about how wonderful it will feel to finally be pregnant and join in on the “What did you crave while pregnant?” conversations, another thought nightmare weaseled its way into my daydream…“What if I never get to experience these cravings because I will never be pregnant?”

Before I even had a chance to entertain this thought nightmare, the words, “That’s not possible!” flew out of my mouth.

Wait?! What?! Where does this hope and confidence come from? Why didn’t I entertain this thought with the normal logical reasoning of why I might not ever be pregnant? Why didn’t I think back to all of my past experiences of failed pregnancy tests, fertility treatments, anovulatory cycles, doctors diagnosis and statistics?

It’s because my hope and confidence are not based upon the previous failed pregnancy tests and fertility treatments, my anovulatory cycles, or the doctor’s diagnosis or statistics. Nor does my hope rest in the vitamins I take, the diet I am on (err…sorta on…maybe until breakfast at least), or my signs of ovulation (or lack thereof). My hope and confidence are only secure in God and who He is–nothing else.

God is not weak and powerless to change my situation (or your situation). He is the One who parted the Red Sea, the One who calmed the hungry lions in Daniel’s Den, the God who fed the 5,000, healed the lepers, and gave sight to the blind man. He is also the one who settles the barren woman as a happy mother of children (Psalm 113:9). And He hasn’t changed (Hebrews 13:8).  He doesn’t show favoritism (Romans 2:11). Nor does He lie or change His mind (Numbers 23:19). Therefore those pregnancy cravings I hope to have one day because there is a little one growing and developing inside of me is possible. For nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37).

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