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Broken Bracelet = Broken Dreams?

For two years, my husband has worn this bracelet (he calls it an “armband”…much more manly), and He has sported it every single day as a reminder to keep hoping, keep believing, keep waiting, and to keep praying no matter what we face on this journey. Never once has he taken it off. But yesterday, it broke. All-day, I have walked by the kitchen counter where he placed it, and this bracelet has kept screaming at me. It keeps yelling that the reason why it broke is that I have broken dreams, which is silly, right? Ridiculous that I would think a broken bracelet would signify broken dreams? But as I was getting ready to move it somewhere else tonight (you know, out of sight…out of mind), I heard a little whisper. The whisper said that perhaps it didn’t break because my dreams are broken, but it broke because perhaps they will soon be fulfilled. And so all of the hoping, the believing, the waiting, and then praying for a “baby bird” are…well…almost over. I realize that little whisper might be silly too. But you know what, friends? I would much rather live in hope than die in despair.

So, here is to a broken bracelet! Here is to having hope that through its brokenness, redemption is on its way. And here is to see if the bracelet I have been wearing also decides to snap in half…

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