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Come Sit with Me

This morning while I sat in my big comfy chair and sipped on my coffee, I began thinking about my hopes and dreams.  The ones swaddled in blankets, wearing that fresh newborn scent, and snuggling up close to my chest as I rock them back to sleep at 3am. But as I began to get carried away in my own hopes and dreams, I noticed myself slowly drifting off into yours…

I was imagining you standing there in your bathroom, staring at two lines; the two lines you thought you would never see. I began smiling as I envisioned you running to your husband, squealing and jumping into his arms as you wrapped yours tightly around his neck. I could sense you squeeze him as you whispered the words, “Congratulations Daddy.”  I could see the joy as you held each other close.

And then I felt the fears you might have as you walked into your first ultrasound appointment and I imagined the tears begin to stream down your face as you heard your baby’s heartbeat for the first time. I began to wonder how you would decorate their nursery. Would it be something simple or more eloquent? I even began to think about the color of their eyes and what their hobbies might be. Would it be something athletic like football, baseball or softball? Or would they be more interested in arts and music, such as playing the drums or gracefully moving across the stage wearing a tutu and ballet slippers? No matter what they choose, I know they will be great.

I thought about how many times your child would throw a tantrum in the middle of the grocery store or beg you to let them stay out past their curfew. I saw them argue that their best friends mom, who is more awesome and down to earth, let them do whatever they want and stay out as late as they want, so why can’t you be more like that? But don’t worry, you held your ground.

My mind then switched to seeing you stay up late, pacing the floor on the night of their first date. I could even see you crying yourself to sleep on that warm day in August when you took them to their dorm room for their first day at college. I saw you cry as you drove away, much like the day you cried when you dropped them off for their first day of kindergarten.

I am sure you have allowed yourself to think about these same moments. But I can’t help but feel that they are more of a distant thought. A daydream in the form of a blurry vision that gets blurrier with each passing month, am I right? Do you feel your energy to keep believing become scarcer and your hope of being called “mom” slipping from your fingertips?  Maybe you have completely withdrawn from hope–pulled it so far back that you have forgotten even how to dream.  Is that you?

If so, grab a cup of coffee and come sit with me in my big comfy chair. Allow me to whisper hope into your ear and help plant the dreams into your heart again. Let me help you nurture them because they are waiting to grow and blossom. I know that you are tired of hoping and being constantly disappointed. I know that you feel as though your dreams seem impossible and far out of your reach; but I also know that there is a tomorrow full of possibilities that are packed with the Lord’s promises. I also know that what the enemy has intended for your harm, the Lord will use for good.

So friend, as I sit drinking my coffee this morning and thinking about my hopes and dreams, I see you. But more importantly, God sees you. He hears the desperate cries of your heart. He sees you crawling along just trying to get through each day. He hasn’t forgotten you or the hopes you have for tomorrow. He hasn’t given up on the dreams you both have together for your life. And today, He is simply reminding me of them and asking that I remind you. He wants you to keep believing and never stop dreaming because it’s not too late. It’s not too late for Him to suddenly step in and take the moments that only live in your heart and make them your reality.

So, will you come and sit with me today? Will you let hope whisper into your ear and remind you of the dreams you once had living in your heart? If so, pour yourself a cup of coffee, maybe even grab a cozy blanket from the basket to the right, and get ready to let hope arise as you begin to dream again.

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