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They Call Me Too Radical for Believing in a Miracle

After I posted “Putting the Cart Before the Horse?” last week, I know many people chuckled (might have been you), raised their eyebrows (might have also been you), and even called me crazy (still you?). I also know many believe I am not being logical and living in “la la” land where there are unicorns and fairies. Some people have even told me that my faith is too “radical” and I am being recklessly optimistic by ridiculously preparing a nursery. That’s okay. I get it; and there are no hard feelings. Quite honestly, I expected it from some, but to hear it from a few others shocked has me. Why? Because I often listen to those same people echo, “God can do all things” and “I believe God is the same yesterday, today and forever” yet I have to wonder, do they? Or do they only believe God can do all things as long as it stays in their realm of possibility based upon statistics, past experiences, opinions of others, or scientific research?

When I say that I believe God is the same yesterday, today and forever, it means I have faith that the same God who defied all logic and parted the Red Sea, healed the blind man with just mud and spit, and raised the dead with just His word, is still willing and able to do miracles today. But what about you?

Do you believe that God is willing and able to open your barren womb supernaturally just as He did for Sarah, Hannah, Rebekah, Rachel, and Elizabeth? Do you believe He is willing and able to heal you completely and without hesitation like He did the blind man, leper, and paralytic in the New Testament? Do you believe He is still more than willing and able to separate a body of water for you just as He did for Moses? Do you believe that for you He would stop rain from falling for three and a half years like He did for Elijah? Do you think He can bring back a member of your family from the dead just as He did for Mary and Martha?

Think about it. Do you truly believe God is the same and will do the impossible for YOU?

I believe that as Christians, we need to have the type of faith that believes God for radical things. We need to put actions behind our words by not only saying God can do all things and that He is the same yesterday and today, but also act upon our beliefs. This is the reason I have started preparing a nursery–it’s crazy and ridiculous to many, possibly even you, but I’m wholeheartedly and without wavering believing God for the impossible. I want my actions to speak louder than my words. The worst possible scenario is that by me putting the cart before the horse, I would be wasting several hundreds of dollars. To me, that’s worth it.

James 2:17 says, faith by itself if not accompanied by action is dead. It’s basically pointless.

Maybe you want your actions to line up with your words but you are uncomfortable or afraid to be this radical. I understand these thoughts and feelings because I will be the first to admit that it’s not always easy to have this kind of faith. Our logical mindset always wants to kick in and tell us why it is of no use or the situation seems too impossible.  Not to mention, others will call you a fool, or tell you to pack your bags for the psych ward because you believe in such impossible feats. However, you can’t let those thoughts and opinions of others rob you of the miracle you need because faith isn’t based on logic, and miracles do not come to those who believe in the norm. They come to those who are willing to risk it all by asking and actively believing God for crazy-radical-just doesn’t make sense kinds of things.

I encourage you to not be afraid to stretch your faith and get radical because if God can separate a body of water, turn water into wine, and heal a woman who suffered with an issue of blood for 12 years despite medical treatment, then how much more are you (being His child) able to ask God for impossible things and He will do it?

**I would like to point out that I do not believe your actions earn you gifts from God. However, I do believe that when you choose to step out and act in faith, it moves you into a position to receive the blessings He has to give you.**

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