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The Sweetest Old Man

It was dark, the worship team was quietly playing, and as I sat in my seat alone, I asked God to come to meet me…rescue me…wrap His loving arms around me and whisper hope into my ear. He felt so distant, and I wanted–no–I needed Him close. I needed to know He was still bending down to hear my prayers. I needed to know if He still took the time to count the number of hairs on my head and if He was still catching every tear that fell.

Have you ever been there–in what feels like your darkest hour?

With tears slowly rolling down my cheeks, the sweetest old man whom I only know through passing came and sat beside me. He wrapped His arm around my shoulder, pulled me close, and quietly whispered, “Jesus wants you to know that He loves you and he cares for you.”

As I began to sob and sink further into this man’s chest, He quietly continued, “I don’t know what problem you have, but Jesus says your answer is coming soon. God has already sent it, and it will be perfect and just what you need. He hasn’t forgotten you. The answer to your prayers is coming.”

His shirt became soaked with my tears as I wept, knowing the Lord sent me this sweet old man to rescue me, wrap his loving arms around me and whisper hope into my ear. I will never forget his hug. It was the most amazing hug I have ever had. I will never forget his words. They were the sweetest words I have ever heard. And together, they took away my doubts and fears. Together they carried away my pain. Together they restored my hope and confidence. Together they gave me the strength to continue the course set before me. Together they reassured me that our Father is always near to the brokenhearted. Together they gave me everything I needed.

Today you might be sitting in your office, on your living room couch, or maybe in a cold waiting room at the doctor’s office, and you need a sweet old man to come and whisper hope in your ear. If so, can I be that person for you? Will you let me sit beside you, wrap my arm around your shoulder and give you some of the hope, confidence, and strength, which I have received?

If so, scoot on over and let me first reassure you that the Lord has not forgotten you. He is right beside you and hears your heart cries. He always bends down to catch each tear that falls, and He will never be too busy to stop counting the number of hairs on your head. You are precious to Him.

And while I don’t know the problems you face or the prayers you have prayed, rest assured that the answers you are searching for are coming; and you can be certain that because He loves you, those answers are going to be perfect and just what you need. I know this because He sent the sweetest old man to tell me…and now He is sending me to tell you.

 I would love to connect with you, so if you liked this post, pass it on. Then come find Waiting for Baby Bird on the public Facebook page tor join me on Instagram @waitingforbabybird. I can’t wait to “meet” you!

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