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Dear God, I Need Her Around a Lil Bit Longer

Every Friday afternoon I pick my husband up from work and we go through the drive thru to grab lunch before heading off to Grandmother’s house we go. She is a 93-year-old feisty lil pinochle loving-lady with lots of crazy stories that always start with “years ago.” Sometimes if it is a distant memory, she begins the story with “years and years and years ago” and that’s when I know we are going back to the day when dirt was new. Regardless, we love listening to her stories and she loves telling them.

Today was a little different though because my husband was out-of-town on business and I have a Safe Families for Children baby whom I am hosting for another host parent while they are on a vacation. It was so precious to watch my Grandma talk to the baby and listen to her reminiscence on how she raised her children and how they didn’t “require” car seats “years and years and years ago”. (Mom, if you are reading this, you got three “years and years and years ago.” I don’t think it has been that long ago, but you know how forgetful she can be…wink, wink).

It was also fun watching her try to “find” toys for him to play with because I didn’t bring any. I kept telling her that he was perfectly content with throwing around his empty bottle and climbing in and out of his car seat; but she kept insisting on giving him random items to play with while I ate my lunch. I decided at one point that she was marked off my future babysitting list as she started to hand him a plastic bag…? I had to explain why we can’t let babies play with plastic bags and she looked at me as if I had three heads. That’s when I listened to more stories of “years and years and years ago we let kids play with anything and they never got hurt.” Once again, Mommers if you are reading this, she should have used one “years ago” and I am still scratching my head on how you survived riding around in a car unrestrained with a plastic bag over your head.

Over all, I had such a good time with her this afternoon and I even stayed longer than usual because she seemed to enjoy having a “lil one” around. But to be honest, as I sat watching her play with him, I started to wonder if she would be around to hold my first child. I remember in July 2012 (a couple of months after my failed IVF/miscarriage) she started to have heart complications and was put in the hospital. I cried out to God to keep her around so that she could one day meet my miracle baby. God answered my prayers that day because she is still alive and feisty as ever, but I hope and pray that He will answer the second half of my prayer by letting her cradle him in her arms. I just can’t fathom the thought of not having a picture of the two of them together. Or giving her one more story to tell her Pinochle friends down at the Senior Center of how God was faithful to give her a great-grandbaby.

This is why as we left her driveway today and I waved goodbye, I asked God one more time to keep her around a little longer. At least long enough so that she can rock to sleep the special child He has already promised me.

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