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12 Fun Ways to Wow Your Husband

Confession time. Ladies, after almost ten years of marriage, I have hit a slump. I no longer remember the “little” anniversary’s…you know…the day we first rekindled our old love affair from the 6th grade, or the night of our first date, or even the moment he proposed.  I have even stopped buying Valentine’s Day cards.  I know, shameful!  And ladies, if I were honest, it’s because I have become comfortable and lazy in our marriage.  This is not good.  It’s not acceptable.  Because comfortable and lazy is the breeding ground for taking him, our marriage, and the love we share for granted. It’s the start of letting the little things (and even the big things) that keep a marriage alive, grow cold and dead.  And so to fix this, I have decided to try and “wow” my man at least once a month and I couldn’t help but want to share my ideas with you. Because maybe you have also hit a slump.  Or are in need of something new and fresh to do.  Whatever the case, I hope you take the time and energy to keep the romance alive and your marriage as vibrant as the day you said I Do.

So without further ado, here they are…

1. Surprise him with a “just because” gift

I have learned over the years that a gift given as a surprise rather than expected, is better.  For instance, if I call my husband from the grocery store and ask if he needs me to grab him anything, he will say yes and will be grateful I thought of him.  But if I don’t call him and then surprise him later at work or after dinner with his favorite donuts, yogurt, or pie, I am all of a sudden the greatest wife in the world!.  So ladies, surprise the men in your life with a “just because” gift.  The possibilities are endless from something as cheap as a bag of his favorite candy to as expensive as an upgrade to his favorite sports channels.

2.  Fall in love with his hobby

Well, maybe not forever, but you can at least do it for a day, right?  The next time he mentions you tagging along when he goes fishing or wants you to sit down with him to watch a football game, don’t decline.  Instead, just go with it!  Showing genuine interest and enthusiasm in a hobby he loves, will not only strengthen your marriage, but will also make him feel like a million bucks!  And who knows?  You might just get a shopping trip in exchange.

3.  Play Jenga

Why Jenga and not any other game?  Because in Jenga, you can take the Jenga logs and write simple messages for your husband to read as you play.  Remind him of your first date and how much you fell in love with him.  Tell him thank you for helping around the house.  Compliment his eyes.  And if you want to give him the ultimate surprise, you can always write on a few logs, “take off one item of clothing.”  The possibilities are endless and it’s a game he will most likely never forget. (And more than likely want to play every night.)

4.  Write a sexy love note

You probably expected this idea, right? It’s a classic. But how about you change things up. Grab a red ink pen (meow) and write a love note letting him know how much you can’t wait to see him after work. Once you have done this (and signed it with a kiss), mail it to his work. Can’t do that? Then go ahead and place it inside of a balloon that is blown up and write “Pop Me” on it for him to find first thing in the morning. Or tuck it inside of his pants pocket before he gets dressed for work. I guarantee your note will have him blowing through every stop sign to get home to you.

9.  Do him a favor

I am the worst at doing “extra” favors for my husband. I know, shame on me. And maybe you too?  If so, do something unexpected for him, something little, that will make a huge impact in his day. For instance, slip out of bed a little early in the morning and start the vehicle and turn on the heat if it’s a bit nippy. Or brew his pot of coffee if he is the one to usually do it. If getting out of bed early is not your thing (it’s not mine), maybe complete a task around the house that is normally his job. I have always been told it’s the little things that count, so pick something little and wow him with it.

10.  Cook his favorite meal

We all know food is one of the fastest ways to a man’s heart, so why not surprise him with his favorite meal or dessert?  But don’t just stop there!  Go above and beyond by serving it to him in bed, or in his favorite recliner, or wherever he calls his happy place so that he can relax while watching the latest sports news.

11.  Initiate in bed

Does this one even need explaining?  I don’t think so.  And I am glad because I’m already blushing.

12. Text him

Finally, here’s one you can do right now–even if he’s home! Text him about anything–song lyrics that will remind him of your first date, memories of the fun times you’ve had on recent vacations, perhaps what you’re wearing…Men love to know when we are thinking of them and that we want them.  I may be speaking for myself, but it’s often easier for wives to say, “I love you” than it is for them to say, “I want you.” But we must never forget that our men want to hear both.  And they want to hear it often.  So text him now, again in an hour, and one more time before he comes home from work.


Ladies, don’t forget to bookmark this post or print it out! 

You will want to keep it handy so that you will always have a way to make your husband feel special.

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