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Pets Aren’t Kids?!


“I love Annie Mae so much I feel like I gave birth to her!”  Yes, yes…those words actually came out of my mouth one day when talking to my husband about my oldest cat, who is ten years old. I might have also followed that statement with something along the lines of me being willing to throw myself into oncoming traffic to save her life if needed. This, of course, made him shudder at the thought of me becoming a pancake in the middle of the road while the little furball hisses at everything and everyone ran free. But what can I say? I don’t have any children of my own and my four-legged friends, well, they are my kids.

Do you treat your bundle of fur more like the offspring you wish you had rather than an animal? If so, you are not alone. Many of us who are struggling to conceive (as well as many others who are not) treat our dogs, cats, birds, bunnies, and even roosters with the unconditional love and nurturing that would typically be expressed through a parent-child relationship.

We take them shopping, tuck them away in strollers for a walk through the park, arrange for doggie play dates, and even buy them more pairs of shoes and outfits than they could ever need.  Many might deem this behavior as over the top doting and pampering as they firmly believe pets aren’t kids. However, to you and me, they are ‘our kids,’ and we take our role as ‘parents’ very seriously and without apology.

I have two fur babies and would proudly upgrade to the title of “crazy cat lady” by having more if it were not for my husband, who has a two pet rule. He claims Noah brought only two of every animal in the ark, and “this ark home” has hit its limit. Sigh. Regardless of how many I have, there is no shame in my game when it comes to pampering them!  I dress them up for holidays, talk baby talks to them when they enter the room, and rock them when they let me, and as I mentioned before, I would possibly risk my life for them.

Therefore, in honor of my furbabies and your furbabies, I have dedicated this week’s funnies to our amazing four-legged children…because after all, to us, PETS ARE KIDS.


I hope you enjoyed this edition of “Laughing Your Way Through Infertility,” and as always, don’t forget to find time to laugh and enjoy the journey while you are on the path to reaching your destination.

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