Waiting for Baby Bird

You. Me. And Giving Thanks.

It’s Thanksgiving eve, and as I sit here in my office, reflecting on all that I am thankful for, you are at the top of my list.

Yes, you, the one reading these words.

You see, six years ago while sitting alone in a small restaurant munching on my soft taco with extra sour cream and mild sauce, I was grieving the loss from a recent embryo transfer. I remember looking out of the window and asking God what He wanted from me. Was there something I could do to help others who might feel like I was feeling in that moment…alone…afraid…helpless and hopeless. It was then that I heard three words…and just three words…

Hope. Healing. Blog.

At that time, I didn’t know what any of those words would mean, especially that last one. Because at that time, I had no idea what a blog was. I giggle now when I think about how all of those Pinterest recipes I was pinning (but never baking) were coming from blogs. So were those decor ideas I could never get to look the same in my home, and those crafty projects that took too much of my money (and sanity) to recreate.

But here I am, years later with not only a successful blog, but a calendar filled with speaking engagements and podcasts interviews. Who would have thought? And while I don’t know what you get from all of it, my prayer is that through the words poured out from my heart, you somehow and in someway receive hope and healing. However, can I bet truthful? I’m not entirely sure God wanted me to start this blog just for you. Don’t get me wrong, I am sure He had your name, your situation and your heartache in mind. But I think He was also (perhaps mostly) doing it for me.

On that day six years ago, I was on the brink of a faith crisis, yet no one but Him and me knew of it.

Yet here I am.

More hopeful than before.

More in love with my Heavenly Father than before.

More knowledgeable of His word. His promises. And His truth than ever before.

And it’s all because of you.

Yes, once again, you.

You see, I once read a story about a woman who was asked to go indoor rock climbing with her best friend; which would have been no big deal except for one hiccup: she was terrified of heights. But because she loved her friend, she decided to face her fears and go anyway. As the story continues, with her heart pounding and her palms sweaty, she begins to climb the 25-foot peak. However, as she is climbing to the top (and still completely terrified) she looks down to see her friend, the one who invited her, nearly having a panic attack because she “just can’t do it!” Without hesitation, and with courage and strength surging through her body, she called out to her friend below, “Don’t give up! You can do it!”

In record time, she not only reached the twenty-five-foot marker and crossed over, but so did her friend. It was because of the words and confidence spoken over her that her friend was able to turn her eyes and her thoughts toward the reward of getting to a place she had stopped believing she could or would ever reach.

And the same was true for herself.

The voices of her own fears were silenced by focusing on healing someone overcome theirs.

Isn’t that amazing?

When we take our eyes off our fears, doubts, and struggles to focus on someone else’s needs, we somehow forget our own? In believing the power of God’s promises for others, our confidence in His promises for us increases.

And friends, this is where you come in.

The promises I claim for you have helped me believe they are true for me too. And the fear I often have? Or the helplessness and hopelessness I sometimes wrestle with? I am able to overcome as I cheer you on to the finish line too. When I tell you about how fear is not from the Lord and it is a liar…it reminds me of that Truth too. And when you feel as though your situation is impossible, yet I remind you of Matthew 19:26 which states that with man it is impossible but with God all things are possible, my hope is renewed for my situation as well.

Friends, I am convinced without a shadow of a doubt that if God hadn’t asked me to start this blog, I would have given up a long time ago. Not just believing for babies. Or miracles. But believing in Him and His goodness.

The blog might be for you, as well as the hope and the healing. But it’s for me too.

It’s been six years since I sat in that quiet restaurant. It’s been six years since the nurse told me my pregnancy was no longer viable. It’s been six years of waiting. And waiting. And waiting. It’s been six years…

Yet, again, here I am. And it’s because of the help from you that I have hope. And I also have healing.

God knew what I needed. He knew I needed you.

Happy Thanksgiving

I would love to connect with you on a personal level, so if you liked this post, pass it on. Then click here to find Waiting for Baby Bird on the public Facebook page or join me on Instagram @waitingforbabybird. I can’t wait to “meet” you!

If you are looking for a faith-based infertility community of other women who just “get it”, then head over to the *PRIVATE* Waiting for Baby Bird Support group for hope + encouragement. There you will find opportunities to ask for prayer, watch *LIVE* encouragement videos from me, author of “Waiting for Baby Bird”, as well as be able to share your heart with others on the same path, enter into exclusive giveaways, and so much more! So what are you waiting for? Find us here! 

3 thoughts on “You. Me. And Giving Thanks.”

  1. May God continue to bless you as you share and care for others who are hurting. You are an inspiration. Hugs!!! <3

  2. Wow, so true, as I pray for others, who are on this journey of infertility also, it strengthens me in God’s goodness and strengthens my faith that God can still give us our hoped for ‘December’ baby. I came here seeking others that know this experience of walking with God through infertility, that they might have something I could hold onto, something to teach me, so I could keep going and not be swamped and my faith might not lay in tatters. I am so much strengthened by your words, Thank you so much for writing.

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