Soul Food

What Are You Waiting For?

I was feeling a little like Betty Crocker one day and decided to bake cookies. But as I read the instructions on the back of the box (yes, they were box cookies…don’t judge), I realized the recipe called for one stick of “soft” butter. Not melted. And definitely not cold which is what mine was. But since I am the most impatient person in the world, I decided to microwave the butter to the desired “softness” in order to speed up the process. Because honestly, it’s not that I didn’t have time to wait for it to soften; I just didn’t want to wait. But guess what? My quick 20 seconds was too long and my once cold butter was now melted…not soft. * insert sigh* However, I used it anyway, because how bad can it be, right? Well friends, they turned out okay…as in they looked good. But they didn’t stick together or even taste as great as they have been in the past when I chose to follow the instructions and let the butter soften on its own.

And you know what I learned that day while baking box cookies? I learned that the same is true with the things we want in life. When we try to rush the process and manufacture something on our own, it might turn out okay. But it won’t be as good, or great, or even its best. So friends, let’s learn to be more patient. Let’s try to find something fun to do while we are waiting. Because you don’t want to settle for good. You don’t even want to concede for just great. You want the best. And the best is exactly what God wants to give you…and me.

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” ~Romans 12:12

With Love

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4 thoughts on “What Are You Waiting For?”

  1. This is so good and timely! Thank you for taking the time to write to bless your readers!

  2. I needed to re-read this today. It’s all on God’s time and not mine. I have to let go and let God. 🙂

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