Soul Food

Are You Giving God Time to Work?

A couple of years ago our vehicle quit working properly and there was nothing we could do to fix it. My husband researched and tried everything the internet and manuals suggested, yet nothing was correcting the problem. In the end, we finally decided to take it to a mechanic because he was someone who was more qualified and knowledgeable…someone who specialized in cars…someone we knew could fix the problem. However, once we brought the car to him and explained our problem, we had to leave it there for almost two weeks!  I was without a car for two weeks!  There were times when I needed to run errands and so I would be tempted to go get it and use it, but then take it back so that he could continue working on it. But that’s not how it works. I had to take it and leave it.

To me this is how it is with our problems in life.

We all have those situations and issues that no matter what we do, no matter how much we research and attempt to solve the problem, we can’t fix them. We can’t make them better. And we know this because we have tried. And tried. And tried some more. We have sat awake at night with our hearts beating fast as the worry and fear paralyze us with hopelessness. Doubts overtake everything we have ever believed. But today, I encourage you to take a moment, whether at your desk, in your car, or alone in a room somewhere and just take your situation…your fears…your doubts…whatever it is… to the One who specializes in your impossible problem. The One who created you and knows how to mend you. His name is Jesus. And once you have told Him what it is that doesn’t seem right and what you have been told perhaps by doctors that is broken, choose to leave it with Him. Because ultimately, He can’t work on something if you are the one trying to fix it. And He can’t take care of it if you keep walking away with it.

So friend, be willing to not only take your problem and give it to Him, but also leave it and not go back for it.

Give God the time He needs to mend, repair, redeem and restore your situation.

For He will make it happen when the time is right (Isaiah 60:22)

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5 thoughts on “Are You Giving God Time to Work?”

  1. Hi Elisha – I’ve been following along your journey for awhile now (and praying for you!) but this is the first time I have commented. I just want to say that your posts have always been encouraging to me, and this post specifically was timely for me. My husband and I have been trying for children for about 6 years. We’ve gone through around 7 IVF procedures at two different clinics and during that time I had two chemical pregnancies but no success. Our last IVF cycle was about one year ago and when that failed, my husband and I decided we had had enough of putting our trust in doctors and decided to move on and trust God’s will, whatever that might look like. We were fully prepared to live without children.
    So, we lived our life and moved forward. And as cliche as it sounds, we surprisingly and naturally got pregnant in May of this year. It was the shock of my life and a true miracle. I had never experienced God move in my life in such a way, and we were so thankful. Unfortunately, we lost that baby around 9 weeks due to trisomy 21. While it was devastating that we lost the baby, which we found out was a girl, I still am thankful and in awe of this miracle that God gave us for a short while. And I also found hope again.
    So having said all of that, we spoke to the doctor after our miscarriage and they suggested trying Clomid, or IUI or IVF to give us a greater chance of success. And I WAS considering doing Clomid, but just yesterday I decided that in my gut I feel that I need to trust God fully and not fall back onto trying to search for answers from doctors, or try to research what I could have done better. I had already been there and done that.
    Doctors do not hold my answers. As you know, it’s not an easy choice to make. It’s very tempting to try to find the answers through science or even the research we do ourselves. So thank you for this post because it gave me confirmation of our (my husband and I) decision.
    And as always, I will continue to pray for you and for all women (and men) going through a season of infertility. I pray that God’s grace, guidance, and love would guide us all. And that we would have the courage to follow His will for our lives.

    1. Continue to have faith in God as the faithful Hebrew boys, they proclaimed that God is able to deliver and even IF He doesn’t deliver be it known that they will not bow down to gods. Don’t bow down to human wisdom , our God is able
      Moreover I am praying for you and Elisha a miracle is on it’s way

  2. Hi Elisha i just wanted to share that i so needed this post more than ever. I just went through miscarriage and it’s such an excruciating pain.. it’s something you can’t really share with people but your significant other and family..i just wanted to say thank you for sharing..

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