
Goodbye 2016…


Elegant woman with a suitcase traveling by rail autumn day.

As I sit nestled underneath my blanket, reflecting on 2016, I realize that while my number one hopeful change for the year was to grow my family by two feet didn’t happen, I am still able to smile and be thankful for all that did.  And not because anything amazing took place, because let’s face it, nothing did.  In fact, if I were honest, it was one of the hardest years emotionally for me. Therefore what I can smile and be thankful for is this: I made it.  But not necessarily that I made it, but who I made it with.  Because as much as I would like to take credit for getting through it all, I can’t.  Because it was not by my strength, or hope, or ability.  It was all because of Him, my Heavenly Father.  He was always there, working and weaving to cause all things to come together for my good and His glory.  Because looking back I see how it was Him who carried me through the intense court hearings for our foster princess.  And it was His comfort that held me together during the monthly cycles that resulted in yet another negative pregnancy test.  And it was Him who brought me through the moments of feeling anxious and worried about my future by giving me the strength and hope I needed to continue on.  And it was nothing but Him who brought me you…my amazing cheerleaders.  I know that without every single one of you supporting me, encouraging me, and praying for me, this year could have made me bitter, not better. It could have made me pitiful, not powerful. And it could have caused me to give up, not press in.

So as this year comes to a close, I say goodbye to 2016 and I look forward to the future of 2017 with a joyful and confident expectation of hope. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me and for you in the New Year because I believe it will be nothing short of amazing. Because God is nothing short of amazing, even in the midst of hard times.

But you know, as I sit here and type that, I can’t help but feel someone reading this is doubting that He is near.  And that He hasn’t abandoned them.  Perhaps they have stopped praying, reading their Bible, or believing that He is good and wants to help them.  Because I know how it is.  When hardships hit, and trials come our way, we tend to believe our feelings more than His word.  And as a result, we run away from Him.  We bull up, get mad, stomp our feet and turn our backs.  But let’s be real, that’s not smart.  And not because He could “strike us dead”, but because He loves us.  He not only wants to help us through the troubles of this world, but He is the only One who can. After all, He is the comfort we need when we are lonely.  The peace we crave when we are feeling anxious.  He is our source of true strength when we are weary.  The answers we need to our impossible situations.  The healing we are chasing after for our diagnosis.  He is the great I AM.  And as we choose to seek Him for what we need, we will discover that He is all we need.

So sweet friends, in this New Year, I urge each of you to make the choice to meet with Him each day; preferably in the morning before the issues of life take hold and suffocate you.  You don’t want to spend so much of your 2017 trying to grow your family that you neglect, forget, or flat-out refuse to grow in your relationship with God. After all, if you don’t lead a devotional life, then you will most certainly lead an emotional one.

If you are looking for a good devotional, I highly recommend the following (all can be purchased by clicking on the link):

31 Days of Prayer During Infertility by Lisa Newton

In the Wait by Holly Holt

Jesus Today by Sarah Young

Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

A Confident Heart by Renee Swope

In Due Time by Caroline Harries

Anchored in Hope by Ali Forrest

Grieving the Child I Never Knew:  A Devotional for Comfort in the Loss of Your Unborn or Newly Born Child by Kathe Wunnenberg


Happy New Year from Waiting for Baby Bird

With Love

Top 15 Most Viewed Blog Posts of 2016 

{Click on the link below the picture to be taken directly to the article}

From the Heart of an InfertileFrom the Heart of an Infertile:  A Letter to Mama’s on Mother’s Day

you are not alone 2You Are Not Alone:  Flying Together with Broken Wings

Could Hurt 1 in 8Your April Fool’s Pregnancy Joke Could Hurt 1 in 8

Where is my babyWhere is my baby, God?

A Message to Those Still WaitingA Message to Those Still Waiting

To the Childless Woman at ChristmasTo the Childless Woman at Christmas…

An open letter to my fertile familyAn Open Letter to My Fertile Family

To the One Hurting This Thanksgiving smallerIt’s Okay to Not Be Okay This Thanksgiving

To the One Hurting this Mother's DayI Know You Hurt This Mother’s Day:  A Message to the One Desiring to Be Called Mommy

I am Pregnant, She is Not.I Am Pregnant, She is Not:  How Should I Announce My Pregnancy to an Infertile Friend

why she got a babyWhy She Got a Baby?

15 scriptures for your two week wait15 Scriptures for Your Two Week Wait

Taking off my mask to StartAskingI am Unashamed:  Taking Off My Mask to #StartAsking

25 of the worst expressions with border25 of the Worst Expressions to Say to Your Infertile Friend

When Having Faith Is Hard (Blog)When Having Faith is Hard

And my personal favorite blog post of 2016 is…

A Letter to My Future Baby BirdFrom an Infertile Mama’s Heart:  A Letter to My Future Baby Bird

I would love to connect with you on a personal level, so if you liked this post, pass it on. Then come find Waiting for Baby Bird on the public Facebook page or join me on Instagram @waitingforbabybird. I can’t wait to “meet” you!If you are looking for a faith-based infertility community of other women who just “get it”, then head over to the *PRIVATE* Waiting for Baby Bird Support group for hope + encouragement. There you will find opportunities to ask for prayer, watch *LIVE* encouragement videos from me, author of “Waiting for Baby Bird,” as well as be able to share your heart with others on the same path, enter into exclusive giveaways, and so much more! So what are you waiting for? Find us here!

13 thoughts on “Goodbye 2016…”

  1. Happy new year Elisha!! I hope that this year treats you and your family well, and that your hopes and dreams come true!

    1. Awe! Thank you so much, Amy! I pray God’s favor and blessings rain on you like an unexpected down pour ❤❤

  2. Even though you had a difficult year, you continue to be the one to encourage others to look to God for strength. It’s amazing how God gives you this gift of faith to care for others. So thankful for you. <3

    1. I don’t even know if I can say my year was difficult compared to yours! You are always in my prayers! xoxo

    1. Awe! Thank you! But even if my lil miracle doesn’t come, He is still good and I know He will still be faithful ❤❤

    2. Awe, thank you so much, Kristy! I agree with you so much in that God is so faithful and everything He does and when He does it is simply perfection! xo

  3. Forgive me if I’ve missed this info in an earlier post, but do you still have your foster daughter? Is there any chance that she could become eligible for adoption and, if she did, would you be interested in pursuing that? (May I add I realize that no matter your answer to these questions I know it won’t diminish your desire to have a biological child; I’m just curious.)

    1. Hey there, Polly! You haven’t missed anything new. We still have her…for now. Nothing has really changed. It’s been such a long process, hasn’t it? I’m getting weary of it but I just keep leaning on God for His strength and trusting in Him.

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