Soul Food

Come Sit with Me

comfy chair

This morning while I sat in my big comfy chair and sipped on my coffee, I began thinking about my hopes and dreams.  The ones swaddled in blankets, wearing that fresh newborn scent, and snuggling up close to my chest as I rock them back to sleep at 3am. But as I began to get carried away in my own hopes and dreams, I noticed myself slowly drifting off into yours…

I was imagining you standing there in your bathroom, staring at two lines; the two lines you thought you would never see. I began smiling as I envisioned you running to your husband, squealing and jumping into his arms as you wrapped yours tightly around his neck. I could sense you squeeze him as you whispered the words, “Congratulations Daddy.”  I could see the joy as you held each other close.

And then I felt the fears you might have as you walked into your first ultrasound appointment and I imagined the tears begin to stream down your face as you heard your baby’s heartbeat for the first time. I began to wonder how you would decorate their nursery. Would it be something simple or more eloquent? I even began to think about the color of their eyes and what their hobbies might be. Would it be something athletic like football, baseball or softball? Or would they be more interested in arts and music, such as playing the drums or gracefully moving across the stage wearing a tutu and ballet slippers? No matter what they choose, I know they will be great.

I thought about how many times your child would throw a tantrum in the middle of the grocery store or beg you to let them stay out past their curfew. I saw them argue that their best friends mom, who is more awesome and down to earth, let them do whatever they want and stay out as late as they want, so why can’t you be more like that? But don’t worry, you held your ground.

My mind then switched to seeing you stay up late, pacing the floor on the night of their first date. I could even see you crying yourself to sleep on that warm day in August when you took them to their dorm room for their first day at college. I saw you cry as you drove away, much like the day you cried when you dropped them off for their first day of kindergarten.

I am sure you have allowed yourself to think about these same moments. But I can’t help but feel that they are more of a distant thought. A daydream in the form of a blurry vision that gets blurrier with each passing month, am I right? Do you feel your energy to keep believing become scarcer and your hope of being called “mom” slipping from your fingertips?  Maybe you have completely withdrawn from hope–pulled it so far back that you have forgotten even how to dream.  Is that you?

If so, grab a cup of coffee and come sit with me in my big comfy chair. Allow me to whisper hope into your ear and help plant the dreams into your heart again. Let me help you nurture them because they are waiting to grow and blossom. I know that you are tired of hoping and being constantly disappointed. I know that you feel as though your dreams seem impossible and far out of your reach; but I also know that there is a tomorrow full of possibilities that are packed with the Lord’s promises. I also know that what the enemy has intended for your harm, the Lord will use for good.

So friend, as I sit drinking my coffee this morning and thinking about my hopes and dreams, I see you. But more importantly, God sees you. He hears the desperate cries of your heart. He sees you crawling along just trying to get through each day. He hasn’t forgotten you or the hopes you have for tomorrow. He hasn’t given up on the dreams you both have together for your life. And today, He is simply reminding me of them and asking that I remind you. He wants you to keep believing and never stop dreaming because it’s not too late. It’s not too late for Him to suddenly step in and take the moments that only live in your heart and make them your reality.

So, will you come and sit with me today? Will you let hope whisper into your ear and remind you of the dreams you once had living in your heart? If so, pour yourself a cup of coffee, maybe even grab a cozy blanket from the basket to the right, and get ready to let hope arise as you begin to dream again.

With Love

I would love to connect with you on a personal level, so if you liked this post, pass it on. Then come find Waiting for Baby Bird on the public Facebook page or join me on Instagram @waitingforbabybird. I can’t wait to “meet” you!If you are looking for a faith-based infertility community of other women who just “get it”, then head over to the *PRIVATE* Waiting for Baby Bird Support group for hope + encouragement. There you will find opportunities to ask for prayer, watch *LIVE* encouragement videos from me, author of “Waiting for Baby Bird,” as well as be able to share your heart with others on the same path, enter into exclusive giveaways, and so much more! So what are you waiting for? Find us here!

70 thoughts on “Come Sit with Me”

  1. Do you mind if I join you, even without a coffee in hand? Maybe a Chai Tea Latte instead?
    Seriously though, beautiful post. A great reminder to have hope and dreams, and to never forget them.

    1. So glad to hear sugars. Don’t forget to pass it on to someone else who might need to hear it as well. Sending you hugs! xo

  2. If we lived closer I would take you up on your offer! Is that creepy? That seat looks comfy and I need to hear these encouraging words daily.

    1. Not creepy at all! I would welcome it! The chair is super comfy. I have it in my office and do my quiet time there each morning.

  3. This made me cry. I have lost hope and given up lately. I have started looking at my life differently, what it would be without children. I have been thinking children may not be in my future. It has been hard these last few months. As the months go on I just seem to add more bricks to my wall. Keeping the emotions on the other side of the wall. I have been trying not to let TTC consume me. But I am not going to lie. I think of it everyday. I think of the failer everyday. I haven’t thought in a positive frame of mind in a while. I have been thinking, I will never ever see two lines on a test and Why would I think this month would be any different.

    But today, You reminded me of the hope. You reminded me I am not the only one going through this and that others are seeing positives so why can’t it be me next. I want to see the world though yours and gods eyes. I know I will be holding my own baby someday and maybe I shouldn’t be so hard on myself.

    Thanks for reminding me, I can be a mom too.

    1. Yes girl! The enemy wants you to stop believing because the moment you do, is the moment the dream dies. Keep persevering! You can do it! Allow yourself to hope because it truly is a beautiful thing. It allows you to dream the impossible and see situations from God’s perspective. Nothing is too hard for Him and nothing is too far out of His reach. I am praying for you tonight and praying Psalm 119:38 over you. It says, “Fulfill your promise to your servant, so that you may be feared.” I am praying and asking that God fulfill the desires of your heart as you seek Him and that your body is healed of anything that is keeping you from conceiving. I ask that your womb be opened now in Jesus name and that he will look on you with favor making you fruitful and increasing your numbers (Leviticus 26:9) In Jesus name I pray.


  4. I enjoy reading your posts weekly. Your faith, Your hope is so genuine. I strive to have faith and hope like you do. Me and hubby are just realizing that we had like no faith. We said we believed but our words, actions,and thoughts said otherwise. I am so thankful for the revelation we have been receiving when it comes to our faith. Really believing it’s, Believe before you see it not Believe it when you see it. I am overly thankful for seeing and reading your blog. It helps strengthen my faith always at the right times. Believing with you in our hopes and dreams of being mamas!

    1. Your comment seriously excited me to see how your faith is growing! That is awesome! I used to be the same way in regards to my faith. I said I had “faith” but it didn’t go beyond that. It was hard for me to believe and take a hold of something unless I had physical proof. I’m believing with you girl for your own special baby birds and I trust that as you press into Him your faith will continue to grow and your hope will continue to arise. Nothing will stop you at that point for believing in the impossible. Sending you hugs! xo

  5. For some reason I tried commenting a minute ago and it didn’t post.

    Thank you for your faith. Your faith is so inspiring. Reading your posts daily/weekly always come at the right times. It also helps strengthen me as I am on my own pursuit of learning the depths of what it means to have faith. It’s not “Believe when I see it”. It’s “Believing before Seeing.”

    I would love to be able to get coffee with you if we lived closer together.

    1. hey girlie! For some reason I have to approve your comments first? I was just getting ready to comment on your other one but I had Goldilocks (our foster kiddo) chatting in my ear and I wanted to give you more of a response than just, “thanks!” lol! I’ll go over ad approve and comment on the other one next 🙂 xo

      1. I thought I deleted it by hitting a wrong key or something. I’m glad im not going crazy. Glad you got all of my comments ha. I am just learning wordpress so no clue as to why you had to approve first! (:

  6. What a beautiful post! I would love to join you for coffee 🙂 Although, living in Australia limits this possibility greatly! In need of a little hope today. Thank you!

    1. Yes…you being in Australia might hinder our time to talk. Instead, take a piece of paper and a beautiful colored pen and start writing down all of your dreams and envision them coming true. Hope will arise and where hope lives, dreams can grow and blossom. Sending you hugs sugars! xo

  7. Elisha, thank you once again for a beautiful post that spoke right to my heart. God is certainly working through you for all of us in this journey together! My verse of the week: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). I needed the reminder that God has already promised us (assurance), and that He always keeps those promises- our job is to keep the faith and keep Him at the center!

    1. It wasn’t my words…I’m convinced they came straight from the Father. He loves to whisper words of hope so that we never give up on the dreams He has for us to plant and grow in our hearts. xo

  8. I came here looking forward to your Monday funnies. But dare I say this was better? It went straight to my heart. Thank you! I’ll be over tomorrow morning. Do you take cream or sugar with your coffee?

    1. Yes…I had NOTHING for a Monday Funnies post…I had NOTHING to type for my Josiah Day post…and as I sat this morning drinking coffee, these words just flowed. I know they were from the Father and He purposefully gave me nothing else to write today because He knew if I had something else already scheduled to post, then I wouldn’t have typed this out. Hopefully next Monday I will have something funny 🙂 I might go to just doing the Funnies as they come to me as thinking of them every week is quite the task. haha

      1. I can imagine it’d be difficult to come up with new funnies every week. Have you watched the “does this baby make me look fat” youtube series? It’s pretty funny for those of us ttc’ing.

    1. Thanks sugars! This was one of those times when I felt like they were not my words at all, but His. He is speaking to His baby girls today and wanting to encourage us to keep dreaming and never stop. He works through our dreams and the faith we have in those dreams coming to realty. Sending you hugs today girlie! xo

    1. Thanks girlie and in regards to celebrating when my miracle comes, all I can say is, “Me too sugars…me too/” hehe

  9. Thanks so much for the encouragement… Sometimes (ok most times) I can’t see past the pain and heartache… Nice to know I am not alone. Thanks for sharing your heart!

  10. Coffee? YES PLEASE! 🙂
    Seriously though, your post really spoke to where I’m at right now. I am trying not to lose hope & remain positive, but those once vivid pictures of baby in my mind seem to be fading into blurriness. Thank you for the encouragement today. 🙂

  11. Beautiful and touching post! I’d love to come sit by you and be a reminder that miracles can happen. I have gone through all those fears and I still have so many. I would have loved it so much to have someone to sip a cup of tea/coffee with and to share my fears with.. xx

  12. Good to see so much faith, hope and positivity. And THANK YOU for the gift. I will have to let you know if it saves me from an unwanted surprise! 😉

  13. Thank you so so so much for this post. I’m a new follower, and needed this this morning. I only had a half cup of coffee this morning so I will allow myself another half, and joining you on my couch! Sending love. <3

    1. I wish I could sit with you for real but since I can’t, just take a piece of paper and start writing down your dreams and hopes. And then everyday, revisit that piece of paper (while drinking your cup of coffee) and envision every single one coming true. Sending you hugs! xo

  14. Ahh this made tears well up in my eyes! I have realized that I have not allowed myself to dream about the baby currently in my womb; to wonder what he or she may look like and act like; or to even think about actually having the baby in my arms next summer. This dream still seems so far off and at 7 weeks I am still not convinced I will get to have this baby in my arms. Thank you for this reminder today!! <3

  15. This was for me… you took what I have been feeling for the past years and just spoke to me. I feel so alone.. all my friends, cousins have babies and I have distanced myself from everyone becoz it hurts too much!

    1. All of my family and friends have babies too so I know exactly how you feel. In fact I was just working on a post called, “Fertile Family, Infertile Me.” When you have to distance yourself from others because it hurts, then just turn and run to our Heavenly Father who knows our pain and can wipe away our tears. Tell Him how you feel. I know He already knows, but He wants you to tell Him…talk to Him and let Him whisper hope into your ear. Sending you hugs! xoxo

  16. I swear you some how see into my very heart! I know it’s probably the holidays coming up but I’ve been so fatigued spiritually and emotionally lately but this just reminds me that my God is bigger and there is still reason to hold on to hopeb

    1. Oh girlie…I don’t see into your heart but God sure does. He knows who reads these posts and I think He speaks to me the words He wants me to write. I am always asking Him to write for me and I believe that sometimes, like in this post, He does. Praying for you and the upcoming Holidays. I am asking that God give you peace, strength and hope. XOXO

  17. I’ve been there, daydreaming and wondering if I would ever have those precious moments. Your babies are on their way, never give up your beautiful hope! Xoxo

  18. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I needed to hear this. I read this last night while watching Monday Night Football and just started crying. I hate for people to see me cry, so somehow I was able to hide it from my sweet hubby, but you truly touched my heart with this one. I love your posts, they are always awesome, this one was just *super* awesome 🙂

    1. Awe I hate that it made you cry but I hope that those tears were because you felt the Father’s love for you an that He wants you to dream and dream big because He is always dreaming big for you. His plans are to only prosper you and not to harm. Sending you hugs! xo

  19. You made me cry. I definitely feel like I’ve stopped hoping and dreaming a long time ago and it just gets worse with time. On some level, I feel that it will happen, someday, far from now, but for now, I almost clinch up every time I get my hopes up. One time a friend even prayed for me and prayed over healing for my womb and for God to give me a child, and I remember feeling angry with her. It doesn’t even make sense that I felt that way, but I think I just was angry that she was hopeful for me, when hope seems to always disappoint me. Anyways, thanks for writing this and thanks for believing and hoping for all of us when we struggle to believe in the impossible. Love you girl, XOXO!

    1. Oh sugars I am so sorry to hear that. I read your comment several times and my heart broke each time. However on the last time I read it, I began to think about how much more our Father’s heart breaks for us when we feel this way. He is for you and not against you sweetie. The Bible says that when we put our hope in Him, He cannot and will not disappoint. It’s just not in His nature. So as you continue to look to Him for strength, peace, and to fulfill the desires of your heart for babies and healing, know that He is good on His word. He cannot lie. Love you girl and even if you can’t hope and believe fully right now, just know that I am in your corner hoping and believing for you! Sending you hugs! xo

  20. For the first time in a very long time, I can read something like that and not feel like you’re talking directly to me. It feels good to finally have my hope back. You have helped me get to where I could find it, again. God is the one that handed it back to me, though. I think He always had it sitting right there in front of me; I just needed to reach out and grab it. As always, your words are beautiful!

    1. I have the biggest smile on my face reading that you are filled with hope! I’m hoping and believing with you too sugars! Feel free to share this with someone today who needs hope whispered into their ear. xo

  21. Elisha this is beautiful, just what I needed today! I hadn’t realized until I started reading how I had allowed those dreams and hopes to fade as so much time has passed and we don’t seem any closer to our dream. This has really spoken to me and encouraged me to start hoping and believing for our miracle again! Praying for yours too xx

    1. Lucy, I couldn’t help but smile and give all the praise for you being encouraged by this post today. Keep those dreams alive and dream them big because God is big and His dreams for you are bigger than you can ever think or imagine. If you have too, everyday write down a dream that you have and envision it coming true. Do this everyday because I think it will help you keep your hope alive and plant those dreams further down in your heart so that NOTHING can uproot them. Love ya sugars! xo

  22. It’s amazing how God uses you and other people to speak just the right words at the right time.I was just feeling a little bit like God had forgotten me,even though I know that’s not true,sometimes It feels like it.But this was again a reminder He sees me and my struggle,and He has not forgotten me.Thanks so much for your encouragement!Your blog is a Blessing on this TTC journey.

    1. Eileen, I am so glad this post was able to remind you to push away your feelings and rest in the Truth that He loves you, hasn’t forgotten you, sees you, takes delight in you, and will always be faithful to you. He loves you sugars and will always, always, always give you His best. xo

  23. This is exactly what I needed to read today. I haven’t been on here in awhile and def have been less than hopeful lately. Thank you for your words, Elisha.

  24. Amazing post as always & Exactly what I needed to read today! I am always willing to sit in your big comfy chair with you my friend. send a lot of love (& Thanks) Your way xxx

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